The Avatar would’ve made more sense if it was a mix of Vatuu AND Ravaa

Sorry I'm responding here because I can see your comment in my messages but don't see it in the thread and can't respond to it. I have no idea why.

From what I gather you dislike the way they handled it more than the actual thing, yes? In that case, agreed. Season 2 was a mess, I don't think I ever stated differently, and they most certainly did not express or show it well enough. Not even close to how well ATLA did it. I do believe I said that above. But it is there. In Buddhism light is... Again, evil is the wrong word. Blinding is the better word. It blinds you to the truth. So him being black and red is evil in our sense, not theirs. Black, you'll see, is seen in many protective statues, usually angry gods and spirits, while white is very rarely used, usually only for death. The spirit battle is BS and it'll stay BS, I don't care what the guy said. I literally agreed to that before.

And you just made me remember it! Seeing spirits, they ARE bound to be either chaotic or orderly, based on who and what is around them. An example would be the eel spirit. When light, be denied Korra help and abandon the people, but when angry, turning into a dark spirit, was destructive, even possessing a man and causing so much more trouble. Or Wan Shi Tong? When orderly he is still snarky, calling Sokka dumb. When outright angry he is destructive, destroying parts of his library. But you are right. The Avatar isn't perfect, but they aren't completely bent on order and chaos as spirits seem to be.

Lastly, if you read my response, I literally said, "one of the few". Most of us can't. That is a fact. History is full of such cases, and... Please. Look ANYWHERE today. From politics (bad example, since these people are extremes) to science (people like Niel Tyson), and tell me how many of these people try to take the opposite side based on facts? Again, politics is a bad example, but let's go with science and Niel specifically, because he's a good, but not only, example. How many times did he say religion has no worth and never did anything good? No, not "it did some bad" full on "nothing good". What about recording history? What about feeding hundreds during plagues and floods? How about deposing bad kings and crowning better rulers? How about keeping order when countries were on the verge of collapse? How about the good socialism can do? Or, to do an old one, not all furries are (insert insult here)?

There is ample evidence EVERYWHERE of people closing their eyes and ears and pretending not to see it just so they can be right. And no, I never said all. YOU put that in my mouth, YOU chose to interpret it that way. I said majority. Because the majority of us are sheep. And I'm including myself because I don't pretend to be any better.

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