‘Avengers: Endgame’ clip shown on GMA

Okay, let me go more into detail on why I'm thinking what I'm thinking since everyone seems to want to come at me with derogatory comments just because I have legitimate concerns. For starters, I thoroughly enjoyed her movie. I really did. I even recommended it to one of my friends that was skeptical about it. My main concern is with how she seems to be promoted in this film especially. She's very over confident and seems to have a savior complex. To me it's almost insulting to ten plus years of building up to defeating Thanos. The original Avengers need to shine and she needs to take a back seat to them, not steal the show. It's hard for me to invest so heavily into a character who's movie has only been out for a few months. With Dr. Strange it was different because I already knew Benedict Cumberbatch was a phenomenal actor. Also, we see him be humbled in his own movie. Despite being a genius who has every right to stroke his ego because he has the skill set to back it up,he empties himself and learns everything there is to know about magic. Carol on the other hand has just tapped into the full range of her powers at the end of her movie. We've barely saw her do anything, yet we're supposed to be invested in her the same way we were in strange. I just don't buy it. Brie Larson's comments in the media don't help matters. I'm all for strong female characters, I really am. I don't want what I'm about to say to be misconstrued. Some of my favorite comic characters are female, including and not limited to Wonder Woman, Scarlet Witch, Spider-Gwen, and Silk. With Carol, however, Brie Larson seems to have an agenda. It's as if she's not satisfied until her character gets her way, and you can tell from the facial expressions of her fellow cast mates as well as their bodily language that she's awkward to be around. She clearly wants to be the center of attention when she's done nothing to deserve it. You can down vote me all I want, but I am just genuinely concerned because they're trying way too hard to sell this character. I'm sure you guys are right and the movie is fine. I was just voicing what I believe to be genuine concerns. I don't want people thinking I'm on the level of people like Geeks and Gamers or John Talks, I'm not against this woman and I wish her the best, I don't want her career to tank, I don't dislike her movie, and I don't have a vendetta against her, it's just that she seems... contentious. Also take into consideration that I'm sleep deprived and am presenting you with incomplete thoughts as I have a lot on my plate currently.

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