The average American woman now weighs as much as the average 1960s man

These are your exact words... how are you going to say I put words in your mouth, This is something you actually said, it is literally written out:

"balancing one's diet is a lot trickier in the longterm and requires a lot of constant and multi-factorial management than just abstaining from one product (cigarettes, heroin, etc)"

You do not have a nuanced approach! What are you fucking talking about! I don't even understand what your point is anymore!

You: Losing weight is harder to do than quit heroin

Me: You really think losing weight is harder than quitting heroin?

You: I never said that don't put words in my mouth.

Me: So even though it kills more people than tabacco, illicit drugs, guns and motorvehicles combined, all things of which we have public campaigns against irresponible use of, we just should just let people go around saying it's okay?

You: Yes, because losing weight is trickier than quitting heroin and cigarettes. It's complicated.

Me: You really think losing weight is tricker than quitting heroin and cigarettes?

You: I never said that stop putting words in my mouth.

(cycle repeats)

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