Average pay?

I live in a very high COL city and state. Average public school teacher makes about $70k annually here, but that's just because of a very high turnover rate. If you make it ten years, you'll be at six figures. Only about 1/3 of public school teachers make it ten years, though. I'm pulling in around $45k at a private school. I love my job, but, like every single one of my coworkers, I am married to a much higher earning spouse. If you're trying to survive as a single person on a teacher's salary around here, your options are to hate every moment of your day at a public school, but be able to pay the bills, or enjoy every moment of your day at a private school, but struggle to pay the bills.

Your best best, if you want to be a teacher, is to not try to do it while single.

/r/Teachers Thread