Awakening possible without adequate sila?

You made a claim. You cannot back it up and now you are resorting to personal attacks, implying I am trolling.

You are the one that said there have been extensive studies. I did not say you were wrong, I only ask where are these studies.

To be clear the topic of this post is not meditation. And you are not my teacher. You already know I am quite involved in meditation.

For the record, although the full weight of Culadasa's actions seem to be resting on his shoulders, I also hold his closest advisors and gatekeepers like yourself responsible. You could of set up another sub dealing with non-practice related questions regarding TMI. You have 3 other subs so moderation is not an issue. Maybe if you had, the warning signs could of become clear, before they reached the crisis point we are at now.

/r/TheMindIlluminated Thread Parent