Awesome! Like I said personally in my humble opinion I personally would not be happy without developing my aesthetics first and foremost. Different strokes for different folks!

1) Arthur was not "okay with it" at all - actually everyone involved was pretty fucked up over it. Arthur didn't want to burn Guinevere at the stake because he was in love with her, not because he was "okay with it."

2) are you fuckin serious? Guinevere (Gwenhwyfar) was a LITERAL CYMRIC GODDESS (DYEMABINOGIAN, DYECHRETIEN, DYECULHWCHANOLWEN); her marriage to Arthur was important politically and socially. Yes she is flawed but her story and that of Arthur is ultimately a tragedy. She was vilified by later versions of Arthurian tradition (Chestre), but the erasure of her importance to Celtic and Welsh mythology and culture as "lol she a ho" is reductive and insulting.

3) TH White is a FANTASY NOVELIST. The Once and Future King is a great work of fiction but generally not accepted as canonical within the Arthurian tradition. Try reading Davies' translation of the Mabinogi or like, actual Arthurian scholars. He portrays Galahad in a way that Galahad is NOT portrayed throughout the tradition or in Grail mythology. The overlay of Christian themes on the original "pagan" mythology is very interesting, the whole Vulgate cycle of the Grail quest is this weird blend of Christian themes and very traditional Cymric myths.

4) Lancelot was a shitty person. He was a shitty friend to Arthur, he was a shitty lover to Guinevere, he was a shitty father to Galahad, and he was the shittiest and borderline abusive to BOTH Elaines (Corbenic and Astolat - particularly Astolat). I don't like to be compared to shitty people.

5) "White" horses barely even real. The horse was gray.

6) Do not step to me on the grounds of Arthurian mythology particularly if your arguments come from a fantasy novel. This would be like me trying to lecture someone on Norse mythology based on having seen the Thor movies.

7) didn't realize it was soooo fucking hilarious for me to defend someone or be angry when people troll someone but glad y'all can laugh at me for it

/r/fitnesscirclejerk Thread Link -