[AZ] Apartment Manager refuses to enforce the lease on noisy neighbors. Is it now void?

Yes. The first time this started, I went outside and asked the guy playing his instrument to please take it inside. He said nothing to acknowledge he heard me, but walked inside. He was back at it the next day. The second time their kids were jumping up and down on the porch and screaming because they were excited for a monsoon storm that had rolled in around midnight. I asked them again to please be quiet. Again, no one acknowledged me but the kids were sent inside. 15 minutes later they were allowed back outside to continue what they were doing...and then allowed to go play in the flash flood drainage ditch full of filth and sharp objects from flood waters running off the road...

I told the apartment manager I thought there could be a language barrier due to them not acknowledging me both times, and the manager informed me they would have someone fluent in Spanish go talk to them. I stopped trying to talk to the neighbors for this reason, assuming (based of experience and this from management) that they don't/won't speak English so it's a waste of time to try. I was also told 10-day notices were being drawn up and how many people should be on the lease, which I mistakenly took as them wanting me to let them know if other people showed up to cause these issues so they could act on it.

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