Azerbaijan toddler killed in Nagorno-Karabakh shelling - BBC News

A guy who kills an armenian Offizier while He was sleeping and talking about How satisfied it is to kill armenians becames a national hero. If a Child dies during a mortar strike everybody is rioting Come up with baby murders as if we did it with Intention

We also loses a Child in 2016 but no one of us came up with the idea to Post a picture of his corpse and do such as war Propaganda. And still read things like

"its time for a second genocide"

"We need talat pasha again"

"Let us finally erase armenia from the map"

As if we dont suffer enought during the last 100 years

I mean.. our country is economical poor and surrounded, and the turkish Policy still try to take the air to breath from us. And still Show themselfe as the true victim and us as baby murdering preperators

It Seems to me they want a second war, to connect finally their border with Turkey. But armenia is in their way. There is no reason for us to provokate a second war

The first massacre was targeted against Azeris

Which massacre did you mean?

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