B.C. wide ban on social gatherings and events has been extended with no end date

The fact that these exist is a pretty good indicator that vaccines do cause injuries in some people and in (rare cases death)Probably on a much larger scale than they lead us to believe.The media lies all the time fit there agenda, usually influenced by the Big Pharmaceuticals which fund there networks.



Also based off the CDC website there us a covid19 death rate of 1.7%.These numbers include elderly people in hospices,immunocomprised and people with underlying conditions.Is covid real ?(yes).That fact that it has a 98.3 % survival rate makes me believe that it is being embellished a bit.Time to wake up sheep....were being lied too.Im not going to get into conspiracy theories.The link to the CDC website you can check the numbers for yourself.


Everything I posted today is backed up by facts.

I wont be returning to debate all you liberal sheep either.Time to wake up clowns.

/r/britishcolumbia Thread Link - twitter.com