b o w s e t t e

Okay, first thing, the koopa part where you said Bowser can't be a turtle because he's sapient doesn't really make much sense since by that same logic Scooby-Doo wouldn't be a dog simply because he's self aware.

Bowser can create military weapons similar to humans. Turtles can't do that. Bowser is extremely advanced capable of incredible advances of scientific technology. He could even create ships to travel through space. This is why I say he's not a turtle, he's a fucking koppa. Scooby doo is fundamentally different from this, he is not capable of this, he doesn't lead an entire kingdom of beings like bowser. I was mostly trolling with this and making a joke though, hence the "normie" in my comment.

On the topic of Bowsette, your responses are kinda weird, to be honest. Why would erasing a gender-bent person's memory matter? That wouldn't erase their gender identity which is honestly all that matters when it comes to how gay something is.

Because women and men have brains wired differently. For example, male and female psychopathy process morality differently. https://www.medicaldaily.com/g00/female-psychopaths-process-morality-differently-male-psychopaths-study-338306?i10c.encReferrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS91c2VyL2FyY3Jlc2lhL2NvbW1lbnRzLw%3D%3D&i10c.ua=1&i10c.dv=14

Morality is affected by your memories. People create these things though life, their morality and their memories. Erasing their memori=y would mean, anything they experienced as a male would be completely gone and Im A okay with that as long as Im not aware of it. I don't want to know I had sex with someone who became a guy. There is a difference between being born a girl, going through pubery, blah,blah,blah vs being turned female who was originally male out of the blue.

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