[B/s] sister and her boyfriends fuck toy

It's a long story how my sister and I got into this and I'd be happy to share if you'd like

I would definitely like to read more details.

So what is your fascination with women's underwear? Is it something that you can put into words, or is it just that when you have it on you find it to be hot and it's really difficult to explain why?

Oh, and you said women's clothes too, so I guess I have the same kind of question about that, basically what is the attraction for you?

Next, how did she manage to discover you had been wearing her things? Was it just that you weren't doing a good enough job covering your tracks, or was it perhaps because you secretly desired to be caught so that someone else would be in on your secret too?

How did you first get into wearing women's clothes? Did you start doing it at a very young age?

I think it's really cool that you have someone that supports your women's clothes kink and that you're having the kind of sex you like.

Do you feel like you would like to identify as a woman?

Thanks for posting. :)

/r/incest Thread