Baby Boomers, What is your defense against fucking up America for future generations?

Speaking as a millennial, I feel like the age of information is definitely our most valuable acquisition. The only problem me, and definitely many of my brethren, experience is sifting through all this data and coming to a clear and concise opinion on anything.

I would consider it a huge win if we taught philosophy as a standard class in school, as I find it a cornerstone of many things I do, everyday. It was the class that gave me more of an objective lens when presented with an argument, and I've used this tool so many times while forming my own opinions from this incredibly wild information pool.

We'll need to teach this generation that and more. This information is also easily controlled, and as we've seen there is definitely a desire out there to do so.

But as a whole I'm entirely ashamed at my species for our violent past and future, and even I can't be sure wether we are actually trying to correct our misdeeds or if it's just simple misdirection.

This whole Muslim mess has also really thrown me for a loop, does it have a place in an upstanding society? I've seen both sides of the argument and I got to say I'm conflicted. Which in turn makes me feel guilty and makes me think I'm something akin to a racist, even thou I truly respect all religions and people.

Anyway I won't go further into the argument as it was just an example. Honestly I'm just confused on how perfectly sane humans have been carrying on like this for thousands of years. I mean slavery is still very much alive. This is a very deep sadness.

It just feels a bit futile is all. America is not the good guy that elementary school shoved down our throats. It's a betrayal and I know this comes off as whiney but I had to get this off my plate.

I'm really just starting to wonder if everyone is just complacently blind or plain stupid.

Why the fuck are we solving arguments with lives? Why is there no global initiative to bring to globe to a unified economy? Surely it must be seen as inevitable. Climate change? War on drugs?

I find it absolutely amazing I exist... but at the same time, why does everyone have to be such a cunt about it?

This perhaps stems from a life you and many others might call sheltered. And none of the bitching and moaning will do a god damn thing, I just wish we could stop all this tribalism tit for tat shit that just begets more evil.

As of now, I truly hope the earth consumes us for our stupidity. We have no business fucking up all the other systems and beauty out there.

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