A Baby Dies at Day Care, and a Mother Asks Why She Had to Leave Him So Soon

Typically in a two parent household their choice is leave child with the other parent and return to work. Unforunatly I think men and women aren't considered equal parents yet.

It's interesting to me how much /u/ootmywindow is getting downvoted for stating something that to me is true and that you agree with - many men would love to stay home with their kids more. Unfortunately though (U.S) society has pretty much made the decision for us, and I don't think a lot of women really appreciate that as can be seen in these comments to /u/ootmywindow.

I do think this is an issue that currently affects new mothers more as they still the ones to take on the majority of child care

So here is two interesting observations. One, men are under no illusions that they can 'have it all'. I think it's fair to say that in most relationships the man must be able to pull his weight financially or he's not going to be in a relationship. Two, as /u/AAL314 points out, women are in a position to be the primary caregivers even if the man would rather be the one to stay home. So you have a situation where men are supposed to work more and women can take time off for family.

I remember when my daughter was born I went back to work after about 2 days because I had to finsh up a major project. I took a total of maybe 6 days off after that. It sucked. I was tired and I missed my newborn baby. And I felt horrible leaving my wife to deal with a newborn and a toddler. But I had to do it, both so that I didn't leave the people I worked with hanging and because I was trying to earn a promotion (I did) so that my wife had the option to stay home with our two kids if that's what she decided to do (she did).

You can see why women are in less leadership position than men and this is why. To have to chose between leaving your child while they are still a newborn or an infant, or quit your job.

So this comes full circle to your original comment - how would you (or anyone else on this thread) honestly address the dynamics in play and fix inequality? And to /u/ootmywindows comment - we don't really have to choose between leaving our child and quitting work because we really never had the choice to begin with. Not if we want to be a part of a family anyways.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Parent Link - parenting.blogs.nytimes.com