Baby’s dad isn’t COVID vaccinated

I’m in the exact same situation at 30 weeks. We’re having a LOT of neutral conversations about it but we’re getting down to the wire now so he has to make a decision very soon. I have extra anxiety about it because we’re in a country where I don’t speak the language fluently and I really need him to advocate for me.

He knows that there’s a risk of him not being allowed into the hospital when it’s go-time and he knows that not being present for the birth would be unforgivable to all of us. So I just have to let it go and trust that he’ll make the right decision. If he doesn’t and things go badly, I’ll have to cross that bridge if I come to it. Until then, I have faith that he’ll pull his finger out soon. And my best friend and sister in law are on standby just in case.

/r/pregnant Thread