Babycenter Moms are Assholes

I joined under a different username a long time ago (maybe 9 years?) when my youngest was sleeping less than 2 hour chunks. It went on for years. He also was a crap eater, ending up on the 3rd percentile. During that time I was reported to cps - I still remember being told “don’t you know his brain won’t develop if he doesn’t get adequate nutrition and sleep”. I never had very high expectations about my parenting, but I never expected to be reported to cps. It absolutely broke my confidence in my parenting ability.

He’s been a decent sleeper for the last 6 or so years, And while he never be a big kid, he trains at national levels gymnastics and is profoundly gifted.

I liked coming here because I was never judged. I’ve hung around because I like the sense of community there is here. I’m never the only one feeling the way I felt. This was the group that made me think it’s okay that I’m a crap mum according to how you meant to be according to the Mummy blogs. My husband is the one that cooks, my house is never clean, but IDGAF because my kids are happy, healthy and interesting people I like being around.

/r/breakingmom Thread Parent