Back to casting doubt on the jury. Haven't we already refuted this nonsense?

A "prominent truther"?? LMAO You mean the same one whose previous post got locked down because they think that "they" created a false Halbach family???? LOL

Every sub has to put up with their own lunatic fringe.....your attempt to paint all "truthers" as uneducated, misinformed idiots is feeble, indeed.

The majority of folks "over there" do know how the jury selection process works and choose to ignore the futile attempt to educate someone who is unwilling that they choose to believe that newspaper articles were planted 10 years before the death of TH to create "the illusion" that she was part of the Halbach family.

We DO recognize the kooks amongst us, but what ya gonna do....they're everywhere. It is disingenuous, and misleading, to imply that they are "prominent" in any way.

/r/MakingaMurderer Thread