Back payyyy

They've started up payments again for some people because the courts ruled that VEC couldn't stop paying people all of a sudden and for months on end while they looked into their claim. I know a person who got mistakenly put on UI and PUA at the same time when they reapplied to only UI and were somehow getting double payments. They never uploaded the documents for PUA either because that wasn't their original benefit program.

Honestly though, after it's all said and done, maybe not even until 2022, you'll be hit with an overpayment. If you worked under the table, that means no taxes filed, no W2, no 1099, no record of work whatsoever. Every case will be brought forth into scrutiny, especially those on federal extensions like PUA. Others like you with similar circumstances will face much of the same. This is federal money we're talking about. They've been trying to bust down on fraud. Perhaps there will be a huge forgiveness of billions in Unemployment that was illegitimately collected, but I'm sure they'll just all the taxed American workers pay for it over the next 20 years in increases and percent hikes.

/r/Unemployed_VA Thread