Bacterial Prostatitis, 2 months

Prostatitus is your issue. There's a lot of opinions about it, some I've read on the sub in Reddit.

I've had it off and on for some years, I'm also HSV2 Pos, and had been prior to Prostatitus symptoms. The Pros still hasn't been positively ID'd but my symptoms are very much in line with Acute Bact Pros.

For me, I'm realizing that what I had was Pros and Not an STI/-D was a big step. According to my cursory research, there's no rhyme or reason why some get it and others don't. Addressing Pelvic Floor issues and eating enough Fiber help. I also am careful with coffee as it can cause issues. There's some diet things, but no sense behind why if I eat too much of certain things, it seems to flare up.

Check out r/prostatitis for info. I genuinely think if you address anxiety and inflammation, it'll be a good first step. And watch masturbating too much. For me, if I don't do it all, it can also cause issues. Really weird.

/r/Urology Thread