Bad faith mfs calling Qorantos bad faith is rich lmao

A study from 1991? Seriously?

U cite 2 different sources for America and turkey. Atleast do the same source, how do we know if they were both carried out reliably and to the same degree? Even then 15 and 12% isn't a significant difference and doesn't prove or back ur claim that child marriage is a prevalent/worse problem in developed Muslim countries.

Ur UAE data is useless and uninformative. No idea why u brought that up other than to attempt bolster an already weak argument/sources. Which it doesnt.

Ur last two statements on Qatar and UAE really show how bad faith u are. U have no reliable source or info, and when u did for Qatar u still were unable to accept it was lower. Funny how it's "is questionable" and "decently possible" with the countries that DO disprove ur argument. Yet none of that uncertainty is shown with the American study.

Just admit he lost that point and u have no actual evidence to support ur claim.

/r/Destiny Thread Parent