Is it a bad idea to get a tattoo from a video game?

If you think that you would feel unhappy about this decision in the future if it turns out someone involved with the game was an asshole - not that someone else might judge you, but it would be an issue for your own personal morals - then you probably shouldn't get a tattoo of any kind that you didn't design and draw yourself, because you can never really be sure. Don't do something you think will in expectation make you unhappy later.

But ideally, you tattoo things on yourself because they are meaningful to you, not as a statement of your beliefs about the ethical fiber of the artist who created them. My husband has a tattoo that's from World of Warcraft, and he doesn't even still play the game because he feels he can't ethically continue to give Blizzard money, but I can't imagine him getting a coverup or feeling bad about his own skin - the symbol is still personally important to him, as an emblem of a beloved time in his life and his personal identity as a certain narrative archetype. That's always seemed to me a very healthy way to approach that type of situation.

/r/Advice Thread