Bad morning anxiety?

yk for me i used to have bad anxiety throughout the day but in the morning when i just woke up i always felt pretty normal. now tho it’s so bad in the morning. i think of everything i have to do that day and all the experiences and conversations i need to have and it scares the shit out of me to the point where i can’t even get myself to get out of bed. i’m only 16 and this has been going on for more than a year but it sucks because it’s literally ruining my life. i can’t do the hobbies i like, i can’t even have proper conversations with friends and family and i’m fucking up my grades and tests. this is the most crucial time period for me academically and i literally don’t know what to do with myself. i turned to drinking alcohol before any human interaction even if it’s just over zoom. i realize how pathetic that sounds but it’s the only way i can calm my nerves. my whole body and my head are so fucked up, like my throat is constantly tight, i’m subconsciously holding my breath all the time, and my stomach is always feeling queasy. i don’t even have anybody to talk to about this who will genuinely believe me and take care. my asian parents will dismiss it as irrelevant and would leave me feeling even worse than i am rn so that’s not really an option. idk what the fuck to do anymore man.

/r/Anxiety Thread