Is it bad that I still watch the Carrack ATV at least once a month?

Smart carrack owners will have watched the Tali, Starfarer, Vanguard, and 600i development closely. Things can go wrong quickly. And if CIG feels pushed against the wall they will release suboptimal assets (e.g. above).

I can’t wait for my carrack but I know it’ll come with compromises despite the best intentions of the staff. Like the new Beta, it’ll be good work but some things will go and some things will be forgotten. We almost lost the piano the Phoenix was sold with until someone remembered it almost last second. They joked about it, but that stuff probably happens more often than they’d like to admit.

That’s not really supposed to be a dig at them either, just that (I agree that) carrack owners have their bar set like way too high (not unlike NMS was before launch). They should really lower it to “really big terrapin with a exploration snub” and not much more.

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