I was badly triggered on a christian sub and now i'm crying. Can someone please talk to me

second-ing the fact that other subreddits don't always understand OCD. The other day, in a subreddit related to mental health (but not ocd) I posted a question relevant to the subreddit but disclosed my OCD theme (which is not scrupulosity or related to religion in anyway, but I learned my lesson and will keep my theme to myself) and someone replied telling me that my ocd "isn't a real thing" because my theme is less common/less well known (aka it's not contamination).

Luckily, I'm far enough along in recovery that it didn't trigger me and I told him to learn how to use google before casually invalidating people's diagnoses, but a few months ago it def would've triggered me to read him saying that.

All that to say, people without OCD, usually don't get it at all and the "advice" they offer is usually super unhelpful. I'm so sorry you're having a tough time right now. Sending love!

/r/OCD Thread Parent