The Balance Team needs to stop carrying this "Nerf only" mindset.

I've never seen it answered. When you nerf a card then why do you have to change that card to be a 2/10 or a 3/10 when it could be a 7/10 and potentially see some amount of play?

Warsong Commander is a 2/3 body for 3 mana which gives all charge minions +1 damage when it's in play. Dire wolf alpha is a 2/2 for 2 mana which (if you're a clever girl) essentially can do the same thing with the upside of being more cost effective while also working on any adjacent minion as well. Dire wolf alpha is a better neutral card than warsong commander is as a class card. There's literally no reason for this to happen.

Why do you feel the need to delete cards from the game when you could just diminish their power level a little bit so they aren't so oppressive? It's the most infuriating thing about your design strategy, for me, because I'm the type of person who more than anything enjoys to design my own decks. Surely I'm not the only one who feels this way.

It seems it's only going to get worse because now you're saying you want to destroy more cards from the classic. The operative word is destroy because that's typically when happens when you guys "balance" a card. Now we'll have even less cards on average to use in our decks.

/r/hearthstone Thread Parent