Balance wise: SFV

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this post was submitted on 15 Jun 2016 10 points (78% upvoted) shortlink: Submit a new link Submit a new text post Kappa unsubscribe27,099 691 Show my flair on this subreddit. It looks like: CodeMonkeys(edit) "eSports is not a part of the FGC" Anything goes. This applies to videos, gifs, pictures, rants, etc. NSFW posts are also allowed but always mark them as such. Reposts will be deleted. Before submitting a post, always check the "new" tab to see if it has already been submitted. Don't be a bitch. Type " " to use emotes across the subreddit. To see a list of all faces, go to this thread. To request emotes to be added, or submit ones you've created, ask kappapolls. Kappa's very own teespring store. Built by the FGC community and for the FGC community and Beyond. ALL sales goes towards community sponsorship chosen by You. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE Kappa also has a teezily store & Teespring for Europeans to save on shipping too! Event Date Jun 24 - Jun 26 CEO 2016 Jun 18 - Jun 21 DreamHack Summer 2016 Jul 02 - Jul 03 Sonic Boom Summer Edition Jul 09 G-League Join the official Kappa Steam Group Discord Check out Bet on players and win prizes. Free to play! Team Kappa! View the list of Kappa's sponsored players from around the world! Subscribe to Kappa on Youtube! created by Maikkya community for 4 years message the moderators MODERATORS Maikky fgcdrmike kappapolls ASimpleRiverBeast about moderation team » RECENTLY VIEWED LINKS Balance wise: SFV 11 points | 23 comments Funny How /u/BlowTi3rGod account was created the week Voice stopped posting • points | 34 comments I have confession • points | 15 comments SUPERGRILL (No Space) in HD • points | 2 comments I have a confession to make • points | 7 comments clear account activity 10 Balance wise: SFV (self.Kappa) submitted 2 hours ago by munsas 23 commentssharesavehidegive goldreport sorted by: top you are viewing a single comment's thread. view the rest of the comments → [–]scrubfighterv -1 points 48 minutes ago You saved me some time writing out exactly this, thanks. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]PlayVinyl 1 point 15 minutes ago You can always copy paste like me : 8 points an hour ago the game is sadly rotten at its core, removal of 8f won't change that. in terms of raw comparisons between chars the balance will generally seem fine, but it's very unimpressive as that's the bare minimum one would expect when they removed everything unique and essentially homogenized the entire roster to be "in-line" with one another. i dunno, the game needs an overhaul; more system mechanics and actual diversity between how chars play/buttons/movesets before i even start considering the intricacies of sfv balance. largely also 'cause i won't really care about it until those things, and honestly can't be bothered reinstalling for anything less. especially not with KI and guilty available. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]CodeMonkeys[

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