
I went to highschool in Baltimore and 5 years of college (undergrad and grad school) in Baltimore so I am willing to confirm these stats... a girl at my university (Loyola.. Where McNulty went for a semester) was carjacked at gunpoint on campus doing laundry last year. My roommates were also mugged by a guy with a machete walking home from the bar my sophomore year (Silly of them to walk home though). And one of my best friends was at the local convenience store (Royal Farms.. actually mentioned in The Wire when Herc hits on Beadie and says “mAybe you’d like to go to Royal Farms and get a cup of coffee?”) when someone ran into the store with a 3-4 foot long shotgun (I was told it was almost longer than the guy holding it was tall) and robbed the cashier. My buddy said the cashier pointed the shotgun at the register then at him so my buddy put his hands up and slowly walked out of the store to smoke a cigarette while the store was being robbed then returned to purchase his coffee and power bar for like $6 with a $10 bill but the cashier just kinda said “Sorry I don’t have any change.... was just robbed”. At least my friend said the cashier sorta just chuckled while dropping that line on him haha.

/r/TheWire Thread Parent