Baltimore residents afraid to leave their homes now that there is less police presence.

Right. And why is this an issue? Little funding for education, lack of programs to keep teenagers off the streets, lack of rehabilitation options (that work) for drug users. They get put in jail then end up back in the same neighbourhood, surrounded by the same people as before.

It's clearly an issue that goes very deep.

This is why the people that run these cities are trying to rebuild them and make them better (and it was working for Baltimore before it was burnt down and destroyed during the riots).

Freddie Gray was a drug dealer who had been arrested 20 times. He had surgery (on his neck I believe) the day before and should not have been out of his house. Let alone running from cops. But he did leave his house and he did run from cops (before he had any reason to). Obviously, running from cops gives them reason to go after you. This is why he died while in the car. Was anything shady with how the cops handled it? Probably. was it about race? I doubt it since 2 or 3 (I can't remember and don't have time to look it up) of the officers were black.

People pointing out this info out aren't doing it because Freddy was black (at least most aren't). They aren't doing it because he deserved to die. They are doing it because they are the facts. There are so many different sides to this story and so much different information (and the info is getting scattered since it's usually reported in a biased way). Looking at this solely as a "black men keep dying because of cops" issue isn't helping anything and it isn't accurate. Look at poverty in inner cities. Look at the war on drugs. Look at drug dealers who are perpetuating the issues. Look at education.

It's not as simple as you are making it out. And not everyone here is racist. You're insistence that this is racist, and insistence for people "to use the word they want to" when that word had NOT even been uttered actually makes YOU come off as closed minded and racist.

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