Baltimore restaurant owner can't get employees to return because they make more in unemployment

Unfortunately for anybody who delivers food or weed to me, they aren't getting a tip.

"Would be nice if we used this as an opportunity to get rid of tip culture. It's one of the weirdest things about the US tbh"

Be the change you want to see in the world. Stop tipping. It's not my fault employers around the country treat employee like shit and it's not my fault they keep hiring new people. I'll tip exactly $0 to you for doing your job. I don't get tips at my higher than minimum wage job because I installed cables correctly and beautifully or because I treated my companies client with respect. Why should a driver or a hostess get extra money for being polite?

Being polite isn't worth getting extra money, being polite is what your parents taught you to be because that's how you treat people.

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