Bananas for the Bot | (Closed my etoro positions and repurchased at IBKR)

I had 450ish shares at etoro.. After what happened with FTX and with etoro unable to confirm that they actually have the shares and insist its held with their market maker, I was very concerned about losing these and guidance from other apes, I decided to take the following action (ps. thank you!)
I took the bold decision to close my etoro GME positions at a loss, however I have bought almost the same number of shares back on IBKR. When I closed my positions on etoro, they closed my positions lower than what I click, I understand a few cents off would be acceptable, but almost $1 per share! When I bought back at IBKR, of course the share price went up a little but that is ok, I have secured as many shares as possible for the bot, better to lose some than loose them all.

/r/Superstonk Thread Link -