Bank of America concludes Hasbro has been overprinting cards and destroying the long-term value of the game

which they ban if the deck isn't something that takes til turn 509 to do anything. lol

Like SSG needed to be banned, name one deck it was so powerful in? I played them all, and they were all glass cannons that lost more often than not. BUT can go on a nice streak for a few FNM wins. MAYBE a small event win, but last I saw grisselbrand or ad naus or things like that win major events is when they were busted for cheating lmaoooo. so they ban that one time use mana but let you keep tron lands. lmaoo I FUCKING HATE tron decks. (i love ub mill against it tho) its like the hard counter to tron. oops there goes 4 of of one of those tron lands lmao. (surgical or extirpate)

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