Bars/pubs recommendations (NSFW alert)

Every reason you've cited was about your personal experience. Not about someone from the community who's space you're entering. It's much less about you or your personal experience, but about the impacts your individual presence (or behaviour) has.

There are probably lots of issues related to this, but I think the two simplest reasons are 1) for each guest in a space, there's one less space for a community member and 2) while you may be a genuine, respectful person in this space, there's a significant likelihood other guests are not

So if we're talking about "encouraging straight people to flood gay spaces," you should probably think more thoughtfully about what the implications are. I'm not well-versed in these issues, and I'll admit Crews and Tangos generally seems like a pretty popular place anyways. Whether it's simply changing the representativeness of the crowd, or people not realizing how their behaviour impacts others, those are good enough reasons to think twice. "true equality" would be great if we were there. But I hope you can recognize that these spaces are needed because "True equality" doesn't exist yet

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