Base Kyle Vs. Power Base Knox (details in comments)

The other day someone asked who was more effective for stall builds and I got curious so I did a little test. I am not good at videos, editing, or math in particular, but this is just what I observed.

Both Kyle and Knox are 130 and the only support hero I ran was each other. So in Knox commander I had Kyle support and vice versa. I went into a regular (not 4player) level 100 build the radar mission and got a non-elemental fridge husky husk to follow me. It took twice as long for the husk to break Knox's wall. I only tested this twice.

This might have been common knowledge to some people but for a long time I though Kyle had the tougher walls.

I stopped the video once Kyles wall broke because the software I used made it loop and I didn't want it to play twice and again, I have no experience in editing.

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