based on a true story

I started halo reach in August of 2011. I was terrible. I had never player a first person shooter ornery than fallout 3. Of course, being a female meant double hatred. I was called a count, and told by one dude he'd rape me. I remember crying a few times because team mates were so mean.

But I had fallen in love with the game. I got good. I played Reach for almost ten years. Every bf I had during that time would play with me once, and then never again because yikes, they were bad. H4lo sucked. I only played Halo 5 for awhile. Super Fiesta was amazing. Husky Raid is the most superb game ever invented, and I say that despite hating regular CTF.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. I miss halo. Haven't really played much since 2020. Halo infinite seems crap. Feels like halo. But I'm too busy doing nothing with my life, now a days..

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