Basic Publishing rules that Valve Breaks an other take on why is artifact failing.

Yea this is a big no from me pal.

Advertise your game; This is what twitch and their steam ads did.

Constant communication; There's 0 point communicating with toxic arsehols with PR speak. Their best move is to be quiet and occasional post coming soon stuff.

Monetize; again, no. This is the corporate overlord talking. If you're going for the long term, the big picture, then monetizing instantly is a terrible idea. Less monetization right now is what Artifact needs.

Don't communicate numbers; again, no. Devs should work hard to keep their player numbers up, rather than hide behind lies which is what Blizzard does with their numbers.

Beta; meh. Or early access, could work. Everything else you said is a big fat no.

/r/Artifact Thread