Basic selfie I'm gonna post some more photos. But I'm willing to cut my hair if it will make my appearance better. Would prefer women's opinion on the hair & what I should change it to but everyone's welcome

Did you know it's possible to move repeatedly back to a city or the same several cities? I change jobs and move frequently. That's also not what the GroupMe conversation actually says, but I'm not interested in you continuing to publicly comment what you believe is personal information about me until you get something right, so I'm done arguing about it.

And no, I've never lived in SF. I may have been in SF at the time (my two best friends live there) but I've never lived there.

the fuck did I ever do to you?

You were being obnoxious and it's irritating. Not really a mystery. The way you interact with people matters in how they think of you, and if you're a rude immature shitbag they're gonna be annoyed.

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