The "basic unit of society" is (over)due for an update

The PAP (aka pay and pay party) has basically upgraded itself from authoritarian to a totalitarian government. Imo all of these policies and laws that the government introduced is all about maintaining its election win streaks. Why? Because they have ruled Singapore for 6 decades so it’s natural that they want to continue it.

Now, why did I call PAP a pay and pay party? Yup that’s right, because we gotta pay our taxes so that the elderly can get subsidised healthcare. And in doing so, they get more support from them. I’m not saying this is bad. But because it is at the expense of us (especially when, given our age, we are not close enough to be entitled to these privileges) therefore it is unfair.

“Article 14 of the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore, specifically Article 14(1), guarantees to Singapore citizens the rights to freedom of speech and expression, peaceful assembly without arms, and association.” Nope ain’t happening under an authoritarian government

The government passed POFMA laws to combat “fake news”. But once again, because the government is the one with the power, there is a possibility that any criticism of the PAP regardless of whether it is fake news or not can just be censored.

Next, is Tracetogether. Well as the fucking name suggests, it is only for contact tracing. “Congrats, thank you for supporting PAP in general elections now it is my duty as your leader to take care of you and protect you against being murdered by tracking you down” While I appreciate that they were “taking care” of us, I believe this is going overboard. And thanks to how good tracetogether programme is at tracking people down, I predict that even the pandemic ended, I doubt that the government will end the programme because they wanna be “safe”.

Oh boi good thing that I’m no longer in school so I don’t have to experience more bullshit(like double standards, teacher’s pet etc). But I sympathise all other students with their devices locked by school. If I buy iPad from school and at a discounted price then I’m fine with restrictions. But god FuCkInG damnit why does the school think that they should be controlling us even if they don’t own a piece of our devices at all? This is just ridiculous. I can just compare this policy and Stalin’s corrupted communism ideology. If Teachers think we watching illegal things or something then turn off school wifi or don’t need to have iPad lessons whole day lor. If got lockdown, then just give me a stack of homework do lah. Anyways since the PAP is a Conservative party then this should be what the MOE should be doing anyways.

Next, men rights. Sounds weird eh? Yup all these traditional Asian values. “When duty calls I need to give up 2 years of my life time to serve NS”. Ok fine, since the government is so conservative, I can understand. But what I can’t understand is why only guys when the government believes in gender equality? Females hated being called weak but yet they themselves don’t wanna serve even if they can. So I don’t think that there is any logic that “guys should serve if they wanna live in Singapore when girls also live in singapore” That fits perfectly into what is called being a hypocrite.

PAP won 61.24% of the votes. But that did not translate to 57 seats in parliament. So no doubt they don’t deserve 83 seats( aka 89% of the parliament).

With these, I strongly urge that the PAP should think if they are going to press on with policies like GST hikes etc at the expense of younger generations. If they chose the wrong path then the, “everything that rises will always fall” ideology will be applied to them

/r/singapore Thread