Basically my night last night, followed by a lot of yelling and several codes before the physician finally said “we’re done”

I’ve been reading through these comments and they are horrifying.

Can I just ask which country are you guys practising in? Because where I’m from, if a treatment is seen as useless (e.g long downtime = brain death, terrible life quality outcome) the treating medical team can make the decision RE: ongoing CPR etc. Just from my experience working in ED for 3 years. I’m just very confused that it can be a family decision to keep a proven brain dead patient alive indefinitely on machines? Is this a thing? Is it just because I’m in Ed I don’t know what happens after they leave? Because I’ve NEVER worked on an adult patient for over and hour (that was clearly hopeless e.g ph less than 6.5, that wasn’t ‘called’ by the doctors and they stop treatment regardless). Where are y’all from??

/r/nursing Thread Link -