Baton Rouge agrees to pay Black Lives Matter protesters $100,000

Maybe you should do just a touch more looking into the matter, because the fact that you keep talking about BLM like it's a centralized organization instead of many different protests that have taken up the same call implies that you don't really know what you're talking about. It's a common mistake made on both sides, but it's a significant mistake in that it prevents people from having a discussion on any kind of equal footing when they're not even really clear on what it is they're arguing for or against. "Black Lives Matter" doesn't exist in the way that, say, the NAACP exists. There are BLM protests all over the country all the time, many (even venture to say most) going off without a hitch. They aren't controlled by any central authority, they have no single person or group of people who speaks for them, you can't go out and find "Black Lives Matter headquarters." For all these reasons, trying to speak about it as a whole and ascribe certain characteristics to it that are generally true across the board is difficult if not impossible. So, it's difficult to have a conversation because there's a basic factual misunderstanding about what it is that you're even arguing about.

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