The Battle for a $15 Minimum Wage Is Already Won - Even without Congress acting, companies are feeling pressured to meet what's become the new benchmark for worker pay.

Unemployment didn’t increase in April just because the jobs report was worse than expected. The opposite is true, there’s a labor shortage, like you’ve been yammering about all day.

The “all time low” was like 4%, and 6% is still fucking low.

There’s a glutton of jobs because most of them are shit and underpaid. COVID made people realize they don’t have to work for slave wages.

Virtually job that pays more than $20/hour is being filled immediately. There are workers available, they just aren’t willing to work for the scraps anymore. COVID took this steadily growing problem and poured gasoline on it, and now the right is freaking out that they’re going to have to pay people more, so they’re responding by trying to force people back to work.

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