BBC Breakfast: This morning on the programme we incorrectly used footage from a Remembrance Day service that was not filmed yesterday. This was a production mistake and we apologise for the error.

That's just not true.

Recently ingested footage isn't just sitting there right alongside archive footage from 2016. And a quick glance at the metadata would make it clear when the archive footage was entered into the system. The date would have been very clear.

Add to that the person would have had to have viewed the footage to check it was correct. They likely also weren't the one responsible for scheduling the footage, so that's at least one other person who would have viewed it.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think there was anything deliberate or nefarious about it. But it's a pretty major fuckup to make and can't be brushed off as "oh well easily done" - but that's not really a political issue

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