BBC presenter fired for monkey tweet about mixed race royal baby. Badunitedkingdom know that black people "actually are monkeys" though, and pretend not to know the long standing racist comparison of monkeys to black people.

I do apologise for the long time to reply, went down a bit of a troll sub rabbit hole with this and didn't want to engage with any of them at the time.

He's at best a paid troll and at worst an unpaid one. There's clearly been some shenanigans here. Got an OP who's got an axe to grind with what is 100% a right-wing troll sub who have swarmed this post with "where's the evidence huh, huh?!" comments without outing themselves as frequent /drama, /T_D ex, /C_A posters. Actually look at the post history of Wild Hunt, starts off as some crazyily random mix of pretty normal posts and slowly descends into nothing but right-wing dog whistles.

Best guess is it's a hacked or purchased account, either that or he's just been radicalized over time but the shift is quite immediate and striking.

I'd say there's a good chance that badunitedkingdom have some chat group they're coordinating deletion of comments and true opinions on, there's a very clear amount of pleasure being derived from them being able to comment here about these missing slurs, a few months back I had a look through that sub after getting into it with a troll on the ukpolitics sub and there were far more obviously unsavory opinions out in the open. I'm assuming that since the OP of this post has flagged them on this sub a couple of times they're doing what C_A tried just before its ban where the mods delete anything ban worthy except there their posters wanted the ban to validate their trolling whereas the users in BUK are hiding in their little treehouse and giggling when they get away with it.

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