Do you think BDSM pretty much universllay being "woman focused" says something about sexuality?

I don’t think there’s any danger of the dynamic itself being demonized or stigmatized.

Literally happening in this very thread. Several people thinks Im brainwashed by porn, that Im shallow, or that I view domme's as sex dispensers. Thats the sort of stuff they associate my post with. I dont think I said anything that warrants that. Perhaps I wasnt careful enough and I should have clarified after every second word that I absolutely consider women to be people... but thats ridiculous.

I don’t think the dynamic is a problem for people who are into it

And then people say IN THIS VERY THREAD that pretty much all the femdom on the internet is "fake", "shallow" and "made for men" (immediately discrediting all the doms who literally verbalised that they are into this very dynamic Im talking about).

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread Parent