Bears 2016 Season Outlook (Post Draft)

As far as this year is concerned, I am checked out of 16. I don’t even know if I will return for 17, nothing against it, just don’t know if I will have the time to play. This could very well be my last Madden. That being said, my gift to the community is a giveaway of my AH sniping/buying techniques.

I have made well over 15 million in coins while spending 1 hour a day in the AH, excluding weekends. Excluding the months of Nov-Jan. I projected I would have made well over 25 million in coins if I played those months, all the while spending less than $5 on this game. You don’t need to spend any more to get coins or get a good team. The time you only need to spend in the AH is equivalent to playing 1 game a day.


The way I do this there is no secret to this. No tricks. Just common sense and good decision making. Sniping involves being at the right place at the right time. It’s pure luck. But you can increase your luck if you know what to look for and how to look for it.

Always Filter Newest

This ensures the latest and greatest card pops up. You have maybe 1-2 seconds to snag

Always filter All Players

Get rid of collectables. Not my style. You don’t have to have specific positions. Cheap cards will show. Don’t over filter. You don’t want to miss a good one.

Always filter Elite

Get rid of gold/silver/bronze, If you want to flip these go for it but itll take you all day to make 100k.

Rotate (refresh) between different programs.

GT, Legends, UL, Flashback, RTTP, Base, etc.

The first thing you have to do is isolate if these programs are showing the newest. How much time is left on the 1st card that shows. You have to ask yourself does the card look recent. 59min/23 hours/etc. If not, 1 more filter will work. Filter by Offense/Defense. (For Base , because of the amount, you have to filter through each style. Worth it. )95-99 you don’t have to do that though.

Recently over the last month I have used this strategy, some of my over 1 million snipes include:

GT Bo for 190k sold for 2mil

GT Deion 1mil sold for 2.3 mil

I do have a lot more snipes that are 100k-900k but those two are should be said because they are rare to get being GT’s. An extra 3mil after tax is nice while only spending 30-40min on the AH. Some guys grind for months to get this or spend $100’s of dollars.

Not all cards will be at 150. A question you might ask, What if you see a card that looks like a snipe but don’t know the price of it off the top of your head and don’t have time to look it up? Most of the time these cards will stick out, it will be obvious. You will see a card and the price will just look odd. Grab that card. 80% of the time itll be a good buy. Sometimes you will have to take a loss. I know I have probably lost well over 3mil taking a chance. Most of the time you don’t have time to think you just have to grab it. It’s ok if you lose. You’ll make your losses back in no time. I know I lost 500k in 10 min then made it back and then some in the next 40mins. It’s important to have balls.

Working the AH

Most work in the AH does not involve snipes. You have to have good decision making to get some good ones. Use the same filters as the one for sniping. I was able to make 100k a day, 1-hour max a day doing this. I would get familiar with 93-99 OVR Elite prices. is great for this. But you already know that. Then check the AH.
When thinking about ROI most people figure 10% ea tax into it. Dont. Figure 20%. You need that extra 10% cushion for deflation. You never know what will happen to the market, what cards will be released that will crash the card you just got or if people just doesn’t want to buy that card.

For instance. I got TB Poe at 50k and flipped him for 77k. Came out to 69.3K after tax. 19.3k in profit. Almost 40% ROI. Not bad. But if I got him at 65k and wanted to flip him for 77k. I would have only made 4.3k in profit. 7% ROI. Not a good decision. Seems like a good flip but it isn't because you dont know how the market will be. It’s a lucky flip. The market on that card could have crashed. Coins could have been lost. Long story short. If a card looks cheap it might just be a good buy and not a good flip. Dont fall for these trap cards. Sometimes its hard to pass on because profit looks like profit but have discipline. Itll make decision making easy.

Remember you can only buy card with the coins you have. You don’t want to waste your coins on crappy flips. You also don’t want to be the guy that settled for a bad flip then don’t have enough coins left over to get a steal.

Be patient

Sometimes they sell quick. Sometimes they dont. Remember the market will bounce back regardless, but you still need a buyer. Don’t sell on weekends always sell Tues-Thursday at night. Don’t worry about undercutters. Thats what your 10% deflation is for. Stay strong with your price. It will sell .

Lastly, spending money does not determine pack odds. I have spent maybe $5. I have pulled GT Manziel out of a DC Legend pack. Do not fall for the trap of thinking spending will get you more. It will not. It’s all random luck.

I hope this helps. It has helped me. Good luck.

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