beat British ground forces tank for each tier.? RB

Take the Churchill VII on your first spawn, put cruise control on, enjoy the scenery, and see if you can reach a point before an enemy spawns a plane and bombs you before you even see a hostile ground vehicle (happens more often than you'd think) or if your team crumbles the millisecond you reach the fight, leaving you alone to get surrounded, barrel and tracks broken, sitting there repairing for 30-40 seconds until an enemy finally kills you just before the allies you've watched slowly approaching on the minimap get there.

Or alternatively you roll up like the unstoppable force and immovable object you are, bouncing everything the enemy throws at you, slowly disabling and destroying enemies one by one, single-handedly carrying your team's effort on that frontline.

There's no middle ground with heavy tanks like the Churchill. We're forever chasing those fun moments with teeth gritted from the agony of playing that tank, the occasional dopamine hit keeping us from just picking something more consistently enjoyable.

/r/Warthunder Thread