I beat the hell out of my autistic nephew in front of his brother and sister

I don’t know if it wouldn’t have worked or if hes had to do it too many times to where he’s fed up and lost his temper. I guess I’m just a very anti-violence person, especially in a situation involving an adult and a child. I just personally could never in my mind even think about hitting someone, especially someone special needs( again not sure where he lies on the spectrum) and younger than me. That being said I’ve never had much of a temper or rage problem so i can’t relate. Sibling fighting leaves a very different reaction than adults beating kids in the end. It’s hard to give a clear say on the situation because I don’t know extent of which he was hitting his sister but I doubt his sister felt good watching him getting beat. I just don’t think this is a good way to deal with the scenario.

/r/confession Thread