A beautiful sign of compassion by Disturbed. Gave me goosebumps.

I second this. My journey from 'broken and depressed' to a more healthy person began with asking for professional help. Medications came and went, but the most important thing was finding someone to talk to. Therapy helps you find ways to combat depression and anxiety that you wouldn't think possible. Asking for help is the hardest part. Men are ego-driven, a lot of our pride and honor is wrapped up with not asking for help. We want to be the ones who fix the problems, to rack up the badass points so people can point to us and say 'wow, he did it all by himself'. But it's a pipe dream, that ends in a breakdown.

I think we can 'man up' and still ask for help. Being a man means taking charge of your own life and being a rock, both for yourself and for other people who may need an example to live by. There's nothing wrong with using the tools at your disposal to make a better life, if anything it makes you an actual badass for using what you've got to survive. Therapy is just another survival tool in the modern jungle.

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