Became an atheist, have no atheist friends; need some friendly atheist advice and just some people to tell without getting smothered by do-good Christians or ignorant idiots

I can relate. Though I do not come from a very religious background, I still had to struggle a LONG and HARD with the thought that "there is nothing else". I tried some pagan religions, esoterics and even to make up my own religious views. Mostly because I felt that... this can not be all! There has to be something more!

(For more of what I experienced, see my long post about it, but it is not very relevant to your situation.)

What I have found as a new outlook at the end of my journey though, might be relevant to you. And I hope it will help you cope. Of course it is not original, you will have heard or read similar things here in this board already. But it is nontheless true and helped me a LOT. Therefore I'll try to put my thoughts into clumsy words:

Every breath you take is filled with molecules that belonged to someone you know, someone you heard of and someone you admire. There are molecules in your body right now that belonged to Einstein, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Isaac Newton and Marie Curie. When you die your body is not lost, just transformed into other things, even persons. This does not even need you to be dead. You are right now exhaling CO2 that will soon be part of another human. Every bit of you, except maybe some of the hydrogen, was once inside the burning fusion-furnace of a star that exploded. You are one with everything through the starstuff you are made of.

Your mind may not be of the likes of Einstein, Newton or Curie (Whose is?), but it will also live on. Not the way it is now, but throgh the people you are around. You - most likely - will not change everyones life. But there will be people who called you friend, lover, parent, teacher, whatever. And you do not need to be dead to have this kind of meaning. I, for my part, have found meaning in sharing my life with someone. Brightening her day when she comes home stressed or sharing my troubles with her when I am down. My friends and the time i spent with them give me meaning. If not for me, where would they be on a sunny saturday afternoon? If not for the pleasure of a simple barbecue with my s.O. and my friends on a sunny summers-day, why would I even want to live?

There was a time without that. I was deeply depressed, near the point where I would have tried suicide. Life was blank and dark and I was all alone in my dark apartement and all that seemed to exist was the pale glow of my Monitor. Anti-Depressants and psychological aid did not help me. Nothing was of importance and everything seemed just there to annoy me, to disturb me who only ever wanted to be left alone and in peace.

It got a little better when I had a job to go to. Just to get up and leave the house every day was hard. But I had some kind of meaning again. I needed to change the homepage of some shop or write a short program to search through 58.000 Articles for some very specific ones and mail them to certain customers. It wasn't much. I still don't like the Job but I liked my coworkers and it felt good to be productive. To be out of my dark room, feel the sun and talk about all the stupid things you talk about with your coworkers. But ofcourse they were not my friends and my friends had moved far away and thus when I came home, I was back in the dark, stressed, depressed and alone. My life changed when I met that special someone. She's not the pretty girl I always imagined myself with, but she is the best person I know. She is my best friend and my lover. With her I found my way back into life completely. Back to meaning and happyness. Of course I do not want to die. But I can not concentrate on that now, my life is way to much happening in the present. With her by my side, I make my own meaning:

  • I am the one who rescues the database when my boss has crashed it again.
  • I am the one where you enjoy the barbecue on a wooden table under the trees.
  • I am the one who comforts her when she is sad.
  • I am the one who enjoys the simple things in life.
  • I am the one who will ask her to marry him.
  • I am the one who you go to if our customers need tech support.
  • I am the one who plays Diablo3 with her, although I would rather play Project Zomboid.
  • I am the one who his friends call for advice on everything rpg-related.
  • I am the one who tells the greatest stories.
  • I am the one who you can debate and drink beer with till the sun comes out.


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