I became a rapist four years ago. (Still kind of am one, but more on that later). And I feel like it’s justified.

Nah, I have a better idea

we first cut out his toung, witch will kill him if left untreated, so we do that and than stop the bleeding, but only right before he dies. Than we slowly remove his ribs and play them like a xylophone in front of him, while he's still conscious. Than we pour bleach in his eyes. After that we castrate him, but not just the balls but the dick too. After that we remove each of his fingers and toes by the knuckles. We than crucify him upside down for about an hour. After that we leave him in a room with a couple of convicted rapists, give him a taste of his own medicine. After that we blast his ears with an extremely high frequency sound at an extremely high volume, the kind that will leave him with ringing in his ears for the rest of his life., we than remove all of his teeth. And for the grand finale we put him in a cage and hang it up on display in a very public area for all to see, we give him food and water every day untill he dies a couple years later.

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