Because 'Americans Need Relief Now' From 'Insane' Drug Costs, Sanders to Join Diabetics on Trip to Canada for Affordable Insulin: “When we win we won't wait for drug companies to end their greed. We will end it for them."

that IS NOT my point at all, not eveen close

look, there are vanguard funds that have trilions of dollars, tons of money from people making 25k / year saving for retirement to billionaires (although they are in hedge funds which is a totally different game)

ALL of that money is seeking returns, vanguard and blackrock are 2 of the biggest money manager sin the world

they invest a portion of those many trillions of dollars into biotech in seach of returns.... so these biotech firms are funded by people seeking returns,... bringing drugs to market is extremely risky from an investment standpoint - so there has to be massive returns for an investment / risk to make sense

IF you take those returns away, all of that money will find other places to invest --> less money driving drug device and treatment discovery --> much slower pace of discovery --> back to the rate of discovery of hte 70's and early 80's before hte unpresceddnted acceleraiton.

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