Because the economy is so good, General Motors must get their Lordstown, Ohio, plant open, maybe in a different form or with a new owner, FAST! Toyota is investing 13.5 $Billion in U.S., others likewise. G.M. MUST ACT QUICKLY. Time is of the essence!

Yeah. I just hope they remove the bulky front grill especially, cuz it's blending itself to Buick and Oldsmobile. They also have way too many car lines, canabalizing and thinning the pros of their brand identity and development/marketing costs. Just trying to do too much. They shouldn't have even have gone into the cheaper rental car market. When most of your cars are the cheapest versions in the rental car lot, ppl with money have problems paying a higher premium to associate with that. That's why they seem overpriced.

My boomer dad, classic Vietnam Era rebellious but conservative hipster trendsetter idolized the look of the classic sleek 60 and 70's. He wouldn't even drive today's Cadillacs. His generation loyal to Cadillac moved to the more environmentally conscious and service orientated teslas and Mercedes, bc gm failed to keep up. The cadillac look of that era also trescends all generations. GM evolved too far away from what worked, instead focusing more on their competitors. They need to return to customer centric design and clearly identify their most loyal customers throughout generations.

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